Chapter 5: Nightmare-
"A Horrible Experience”
Why does it occur? |
How and why do people experience nightmares? Is there any relevance into what it was about to the dreamer? How true it is that nightmare is deadly? That when you sleep full (busog), there’s a tendency for you to experience nightmare? These are the things I am curious about and perhaps you too.
Of all the things we wish not to experience, nightmare is one. It is because there is rumors that nightmare can cause someone’s death especially when that person doesn’t have any record of illness or accidents.
Scientifically, nightmare is a terror scene which enters the mind and can cause a fatal shock reflex. It is fascinating and unpleasant experience feeling in pain, despair and helplessness.
Multiple studies have revealed that nightmares occur highly among young adults due to the increase of hormone level. And it is also because youngsters don’t know much how they will handle tough situations compared with the adults. But those people who are anxious experience this too.
However, scientific community has not yet determined a definitive answer as to why it occurs. But why do nightmares happen?
According to a study, it may be a way to relieve the pressures of the day and help us cope with the stress of real life.
The root
There were studies that have tackled the causes of nightmare. The very common cause is the post-traumatic stress disorder. A person who encountered severe fear or pain and child abuse is highly possible to experience nightmare. |
By the way, the common themes of a nightmare are those situations which are related to school, being chased, sexual experiences, falling, arriving late, death, teeth falling out, flying and car accidents.
The fruit
If you can figure out the cause, then you can probably be able to lessen the severity of the effect. One of these effects is be able to wake up from sleep and at the same time have difficulty in turning back to sleep.
If your nightmares occur infrequently, there’s no need much concern. But if it occurs frequently and are already very disturbing, according to a specialist, you should be given careful thought and examination because it might be already a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSO) or an intense fear of grief.
source: |
The “t”
Upon knowing some of the causes and effects of nightmares, you would probably ask for ways to treat it. Here are some: first, you should establish or have a regular sleep pattern and make sure to have sufficient sleep; cut out alcohol, drugs and cigarettes; cut any drinks which contain caffeine like coffee which I used to drink in the morning; drink warm, milky drink before going to bed; never go to bed hungry but then avoid eating foods that are hard to digest before sleeping; avoid scary movies and scary books; do not play computer games or any tiring activities before sleeping; relaxed before you sleep and have some exercise during the day.
There are other treatments for those who encounter nightmares frequently. These are Imagery Rehearsal and the Lucid Dreaming. Having some talk with a professional specialist often times helps one cope and resolve the traumatic experience which disrupts his daily life.
“Dream-Death Theory”
The sudden death of a friend or relative which occurred while he was sleeping who previously seemed to be in good health is really something questionable. So here are different findings with regards to this matter.
First is Dr. Robert Basner, director of Sleep Center of Columbia University, US. According to him, this sudden death is due of congenital cardiac electrical abnormalities called brugada syndrome. This occurs during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phase or when one is in deep sleep and dreaming. He therefore concluded that it’s not the dreams which causes death but the factor of heart disease.
Another doctor which has a scientific explanation for this kind of death is Dr. Alvin V. Majoska, a coroner doctor in Honolulu. He made a list during the last six years that there were 43 healthy young adults who were all from the Philippines found dead in their sleep without any reason that could be detected.
When he has studied the bodies, he found out that their death was due to acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis or the bleeding and inflamed of the pancreas. According to him, this kind of disease may attack any time whether a person is awake or asleep but usually pain arise as a warning before a crisis situation develops. |
I was able to construct all these, based from the following sources:
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